Saturday, July 13, 2024
Start Time
6:00 am
Time Limit
15 hours
Field Limit
Elevation Change
~8400 feet
Race Morning Packet Pick-up
Begins at 5:15am in the Mt. Ashland Lodge
$140 before March 31st, and $155 thereafter
UTMB indexed
Drop bags will be available for 50M runners at Siskiyou Gap aid station (miles 8.5 and 21.5) and Potlicker aid station (miles 31.6 and 49.5). Please keep them to the size of a shoe box.
Note: you might want a headlamp and jacket when leaving Potlicker for the second time. Poles are only allowed from Potlicker on.
The cut-off times listed in the table below are in effect for the 50 mile course. Runners must exit the aid station by the cut-off times or they will be pulled from the event by the aid station captains. Aid station captains have the final word. Runners crossing the finish line after the final cut-off will not be scored in the results.
The second half of the course, from Potlicker on, can be hot. We suggest you carry at least 1.5L of water.
The first part of the 50M follows the 50K course to the second time through the Willamette Meridian aid station. Soon after leaving the Willamette Meridian aid station you will head north on the Split Rock Trail. After 3 miles head down the Wagner Glade Trail to the Potlicker aid station at Road 2060 (drop bags available), then down Potlicker. Potlicker takes you to Horn Gap Road. Head down the road to the Horn Gap Trail. A sharp left hand turn routes up the Horn Gap Trail to 2060 (separating you from the 100K course--don't miss the turn!), then out 2060, through Potlicker aid station, to Time Warp Trail. Up Time Warp (yes, this is a bitch climb) to the top of Mt Ashland, then a quick jaunt to the finish at the Mt. Ashland Lodge.
The Siskiyou Out Back (SOB) is a non-profit organization and all profits benefit local non-profit organizations. In total, we have given over $200,000 to various non-profits in the last ten years. In 2022 we contributed to Ashland Trails Outdoor School, Family Nurturing Center, Siskiyou Mountain Club, Come Back Alive, a Ukrainian non-profit, and to our partner, Mt. Ashland Ski Area.