SOB Brand Mark


SOB 50k Overview


Sat. July 12, 2025

Start Time

7:00 AM

Time Limit

10 hours

Field Limit


Elevation Change

~4900 feet

Packet Pick-up



$125 before March 30th, and $150 thereafter


SOB 50k = 2 UTMB points


From the start at the Mt. At The Ashland Ski Area parking lot, the course heads west to the junction with fire road 40S15 (.4 miles) before intersecting with the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). The course then heads along the PCT to the Willamette Meridian aid station. From the aid station, the trail climbs to a saddle with views of beautiful Mt. Shasta, the peaks of the Marble Mountain wilderness and Mt. Eddy. The trail continues to another gap and then descends through Long John Saddle to the Siskiyou Gap aid station. If you left a drop bag for delivery, this is where you will find it.

The next 3.4 miles will climb on Road 20 (dirt/gravel) to Wrangle Gap, then back on the PCT and on to the Jackson Gap aid station which is now located where the PCT crosses road 40S01. From here it’s a short distance up the road to the intersection with Road 20 and the actual Jackson Gap, the second highest point on the course at 7100 feet. Prominent peaks at this gap include Mt. Shasta, Mt. Ashland, Preston Peak (Siskiyou Wilderness), Red Buttes, and Mt. McLoughlin and the Crater Lake rim to the north.

Leaving Jackson Gap, the course heads due north on Road 20 for 2.1 miles to Wrangle Gap, meets with the PCT and follows a particularly beautiful section of the trail around Big Red Mountain to the Siskiyou Gap aid station (3.4 miles). From Siskiyou Gap, the return to the Willamette Meridian aid station is the same route as going out.

NEW FOR 2025 - After Meridian you will drop down towards ‘Grouse Gap’ where you will leave the PCT and head to the final climb up the backside of Mt Ashland to the highest point of the course (7500’) and almost 360 views of Southern Oregon and Northern California. You finish with a short steep descent to the finish at Mt Ashland Lodge.

50k Course Map1 50k Course Map2

Thank you to our Sponsors!
Nike Trail Logo Rogue Valley Runners Logo Common Block Brewing Company Logo Mount Ashland Logo
