SOB Brand Mark


SOB 100K Overview


Sat. July 12, 2025

Start Time

5:00 AM

Time Limit

18 hours

Field Limit


Elevation Change

~10,500 feet

Packet Pickup



$200 before March 30th, and $225 thereafter


Western States 100 qualifier and UTMB indexed


Explore the Pacific Crest Trail, The Siskiyou Mountains, and many of the trails that make Ashland a trail running destination in one 100k run. Starting near the top of the Siskiyous at Mt Ashland Lodge you will loop around the mountain along gravel roads to a steep descent down Time Warp, the first aid station, and into the Ashland Creek Watershed. A section of 2060 Loop road and a mellow climb will take you to Potlicker aid station and the No Candies Trail. After No Candies a short section of gravel will bring you to the top of Rickety Trail which you will take down to the Rickety Aid Station.

From there it is a short gravel climb up the 2060 Loop road (yes, it is the the thing that connects many of our watershed trails) and Hitt Road to the top of Fell-On-Knee Trail. You will take Fell-on-Knee and the popular Wonder Trail down to the lowest point of the race, just a few miles from Ashland. From here you will begin a HUGE 4000’ climb back to the high country and the PCT - starting with another section of the 2060 road back to the Rickety Aid station. At Rickety you will head up Horn Gap to the Potlicker aid station and the steep climb up Wagner Glade Trail. Then follow the beautiful and primitive Split Rock trail along the ridge to the top of Mcdonald peak and down to Road 20.

A short section of Road 20 will bring you to the Willamette Aid station and the beginning of the out-and-back on the PCT. From there you will follow the PCT to the Siskiyou aid station, then a short section of road 20 back to the PCT and the Jackson Gap Aid station (no drops). Then back along the PCT and beautiful Big Red Mountain Section back to Siskiyou aid station and then the last aid station at Willamette.

The final stretch follows the PCT down to road 20 by Grouse Gap and to the final climb up the backside of Mt Ashland. You finish with a short steep descent to the finish at Mt Ashland Lodge (You don’t need to remember this. The course will be well marked).

Drop bags are available at both Potlicker and Siskiyou Gap. We recommend you pack a jacket and a headlamp at Siskiyou Gap.

100k Course Map1

100k Course Map2

Thank you to our Sponsors!
Nike Trail Logo Rogue Valley Runners Logo Common Block Brewing Company Logo Mount Ashland Logo
