Sun. July 13, 2025
Start Time
9:00 am
Time Limit
3 hours
Field Limit
Elevation Change
Not much
Race Morning Packet Pick-up
Begins at 7:30am in the Mt. Ashland Lodge
$50 until March 31, and $60 thereafter
From the start at Mt. Ashland Ski parking lot, the course heads west to a junction with fire road 40S15 (.5 miles) before intersecting with the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). You turn right onto the PCT and follow the trail to the Grouse Gap aid station. From the aid station, the trail climbs to the saddle, and then contours to the Willamette Meridian turn around. Water will be available at this point.
The course leaves the Willamette Meridian on Rd 20 and heads east back to the Grouse Gap aid station. Be sure to stay on the road all the way to the aid station. From Grouse Gap aid station, the course then heads to Mt. Ashland via the PCT to the junction with Rd 40S15. Turn left onto Rd 40S15 and follow all the way back to the Mt. Ashland parking lot finish line where lunch awaits!
The Siskiyou Out Back (SOB) is a non-profit organization and all profits benefit local non-profit organizations. In total, we have given over $200,000 to various non-profits in the last ten years. In 2022 we contributed to Ashland Trails Outdoor School, Family Nurturing Center, Siskiyou Mountain Club, Come Back Alive, a Ukrainian non-profit, and to our partner, Mt. Ashland Ski Area.